Check your Lean UX maturity

Felix Kaiser
Felix Kaiser
Published in
Aug 2, 2018


I’ve only read the Lean UX book in the past few weeks. While most of the things it proposes weren’t new to me I found it a very stringent description of how things should be done.

Since I work around digital services I would have wanted to have all my work colleagues (a few hundred people) read the book. Since that’s illusory I built a self-assessment. I’m using it to optimize the way we work.

You can, too.

Why is it public? Well, on the one hand I wanted to have a bigger audience profiting from it. On the other hand, it’s a lot quicker and easier to build a thing with SAAS tools outside the big corp I’m working in. Less rules.

So there you go.

Please let me know how it can be improved.

